During our stay in Graz in November 2021 we visited the “DIGITAL Mittelschule” (engl. digital middle school) (EDP Ferdinandeum). It was exciting for us to learn more about the concept of the school, because the “DIGITAL Middle School” is the mainstay of the “DIGITAL Campus” of the city of Graz, which is to be turned into the most modern educational city in Europe. Significantly improved IT equipment in combination with the “LEGO Education Innovation Studio” forms the basis for modern, contemporary digital education for children. In addition, the school cooperates with a well-known software manufacturer. The “DIGITAL Mittelschule” is one of 17 educational institutions worldwide that have been accepted into its “Flagship Schools Program”.
We were particularly impressed by the “Future Learning Lab” on campus, which is used side by side with the University of Education. Future teachers can complete seminars and practical exercises here. In the “Digital Learning Lab”, the modular room and interior design concept makes it possible to learn and teach both digitally and analogously in a playful way.