Change the Story

A project about digital story telling and the climate crisis.

The three-year-long Erasmus+ project (2019-2022) “Change the Story” of the Institute for Educational Research and Teacher Education at the University of Graz investigated how the topic of the climate crisis and climate change is dealt with in schools in the context of digital storytelling. Cooperation partners were colleagues in Italy, the United Kingdom, Hungary and Turkey. The digitised and creative stories of secondary school students about climate change were collected on a common Moodle platform. In addition, pedagogical teaching concepts for digitally-supported lessons were created and shared worldwide for mutual inspiration. One focus was on digital preparation technologies, digital teaching technologies during lessons and also the general approach to the topic of global warming in the classroom.

Students were asked to explore how humans have affected the climate and how some people are now acting to solve the problem. They wrote their own stories about how they would like to see the climate crisis overcome in the future. At the same time, young students were to be motivated to “join a global movement, raise their voices against the climate crisis and make their personal contribution with an individual digital climate story”, explains project leader Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Otrel-Cass.

Change the Story – Climate-Culture pavilion