
A project (completed in 2022) where an online game on the topic of cybersecurity was developed. To complement this activity, an analog card game was created as well.

In the two-year-long project (2020-2022) “Digital? Sicher!”, a gaming-based learning app for cybersecurity and data handling awareness training for young people from grade 9 to 13 was developed under the direction of Prof. Dr. Kathrin Marie Otrel-Cass of the University of Graz. With the help of the app, the competence of responsible use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is to be promoted. The aim is for young people to build awareness and resilience to cyber-attacks. It also aims to prevent them from learning wrong routines when dealing with digital media. The playful approach is intended to make the training more attractive.

The learning app was completed in autumn 2021 and consists of 5 modules. The students choose one of four different digital careers and create their own profile. The app teaches, for example, what makes a secure nickname and password. The tasks can be completed in class or at home, teachers are advisors in the use of the app and do not have to play the game themselves. Game characters accompany the course of the game via an integrated chat. There is also supporting content in the form of blog posts, short videos, infographics or Instagram posts. Players can show what they have learned by completing tasks in each module.